
Resume : Dos and Don'ts

  Do you know that before the manual screening of the resumes by the recruiters, your resume goes through ATS (Applicant Tracking System) and then if shortlisted it goes to the recruiters who give not more that a couple of seconds to go through your resume? So even if you have all the skills in the world which make you a perfect fit for the job, you might still be rejected if you don’t know how to showcase them. I've listed down a few points which you might want to use as a checklist before uploading your next resume:          Do not send a single resume for every opportunity. Modify your resume according to the company’s job description to which you are applying to. Put keywords accordingly.         There are two major templates: single column and double column. Choose according to the amount of data you have to put.          Always export the resume as a PDF file.          Don't give weird names to the PDF like rockstarrahul.pdf. It doesn't sound professional.